Friday, October 16, 2015

Infinity Instruments Cucina Silent Wall Clock

The Cucina silent wall clock by Infinity Instruments is yet, another, stylish yet fantastic quality clock in the market.  Infinity instruments is a clock wholesaler and distributor based in Wisconsin.  They offer a wide range of clocks ranging from outdoor, indoor, to table top pieces.  They have been an established business since 1995 and have since grown to be industry leaders in clock instruments.

This 8.5" round clock features a 3" deep steel case with modern hands and dial.  The second hand is absolutely silent!

There is no wall hanger on the back of the clock, but it can be hung by the frame of the clock.  I thought this would be unstable, but it's doing fine in our bathroom.

Some reviews complain of the clock face paper design becoming undone but I did not have this experience.  Everything about this clock is solid.

Verdict?  I absolutely love this clock.  I didn't think I'd love this clock as much as I do! It is such a stylish clock that can be hung in any room you want a pop of color in.  Though, you should note that this clock is only 8.5", in comparison to most clocks starting around 9 to 9.5". This may not seem like a big difference, but it actually does significantly reduce the size of the clock making it better fitting for a small room or bathroom. So, I hung it in our bathroom! Since I hang the clock in my bathroom, the clock it's totally fogged up during our showers. But this is not a fault of the clock because it was not designed to be used in the bathroom. I just really wanted to put it in my bathroom because it was the perfect size and such a nice pop of color.  Aside for that, the only drawback in the design of the clock is that it doesn't feature a secure wall hanger. I think having that built in the back would make the clock more secure on a nail in the event of, say, an earthquake (not uncommon here in California!).

Purchase on Amazon, currently $20.

Disclosure: This complimentary item was provided for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received. This post contains affiliate links.


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